thoughts while stuck in a meeting


szleehpier still

i believe there must be a reason for my being in this spot…

so that would be my mission for today,

to discover just what i’m supposed to be doing here.

but i keep nodding off

so maybe the answer will come in a dream?

bees a-buzzing, making sounds that make no sense to me.

they all seem to be understanding each other

so i’m clearly the odd one.

thank heavens for wordpress,

making me feel like i’m not entiiirely wasting my time

(not that i’m claiming these random lines have any benefit for anyone)…

free-writing this is, indeed.

five minutes did pass, just like that

and, now, i need to nod and smile and pretend i’m still in this meeting.

mission not accomplished, at least not yet.

i have five long hours yet.


Ah, the screen.

The world’s most beloved.

Just do a quick survey among all the people you can reach in the next half hour, ask them the first thing they look for and stare at when they wake up every single morning.

Chances are, you’re using a screen to do this very survey.

Try getting hold of some sort of timer or monitor and see how many minutes in a day you spend staring at a screen. You smile at it, caress it, laugh, cry, get mad, get into stupid fights and kiss (using emoji) and make up with it.

Ah, the screen.

It’s gotten us all bewitched without our knowing it.


Writing prompt, “Screen,” courtesy of The Daily Post.


I want…

…healing for every single physical illness.

…to remember what an eight-hour sleep feels like.

…to be transported to a deserted island, just for a couple of days.

…to have the luxury to spend my time just reading and writing.

…to have a decent waistline again.

…world peace, and no, I am not kidding.

…to see a big smile on every child’s face and to know that all the world’s children are able to laugh and play.

…to be more useful in God’s kingdom.

…to watch the Zoolander sequel.

…to have a ridiculously long vacation.

Haha, my list is so random.

The randomness does not make it any less real.


Writing prompt courtesy of Language is a Virus.

i want to

I turn my head towards my office window. My curtains are partly opened, to let just the right amount of sunshine in. It’s bright outside, the sky is blue with little patches of nice, light, fluffy clouds, and the gentle breeze is causing a good rustle among the trees. The sound is inviting.

Just a couple of hours ago I drove past the community pool and saw that it had just been cleaned, the water was so clear I wanted to jump right in. The pool’s in the middle of the compound, though. The thought of having to change my clothes, walk to the pool and back to the house and rub the chlorine off my skin afterward tramples all my anticipated relaxation from the activity.

Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be out sprawled on a beach somewhere right now.

Enough daydreaming. Back to work.


Friday Free-Write

It’s 4:47 AM. I’ve had about a full hour’s sleep. I’ve showered and dressed up, and in a few minutes I’ll be off driving. It’ll be a fun day.

Just thought I should do a bit of free writing before going out, sort of a cleansing therapy, I guess. Detoxification. At the very least this is waking my system up. A bit, anyway, and perhaps, I hope, enough to get me through the half-hour or so drive to my first stop of the day.

It’ll be a fun day.

Three clinic stops, a Skype call at 9:00 AM (if I’m awake then and if my internet connection’s good), personal errands, a report to finish, paperwork to complete and have signed by a partner (whom I only hope I’ll be able to track down) for a proposal to be submitted also today, a refrigerator(!) to transport, and a small group Bible study to facilitate at church.

It’ll be a fun day.

God is quite amazing, though. I already know that He’ll somehow be able to orchestrate things and cause the time to be enough. I also know for sure that He’ll sustain me.

So it’s not wishful thinking. It really will be a fun day. I just have to let go and not be a control freak. Things will more than work out. They’ll be great, in fact.

Now off to the streets I go…

Free Writing

I’m supposed to free-write so I’ll do it as best I can, without editing, without minding my grammar, and without having to know where my thoughts are going. I just need to get words out there, to free my mind from my own restrictions and to fee myself from my self-imposed rules. 

I’ll write about my novel, the direction that I want to take it, and how badly I’m faring. I want it tobe inspirational without being trite or cheesy, to be spiritual without being preachy. I want my protagonist to be someone that people can relate to, someone real, someone whose story can give people hope.

I’ve been trying to tell Hannah’s story through the perspectives of the different men who play different roles in her life: her father, her stepfather, her childhood friend, her husband…I don’t know, however, if doing so would undermine her as a result. She may not be as fully presented as I want her to be, and she may end up short of the multidimensional, complex character that I know her to be. I may fail to tell her story completely if I continue with this course.

Or, I may actually succeed 🙂 I’m praying it’s possible to tell Hannah’s story in an interesting way without ending up with a seeming exercise in storytelling calisthenics that ultimately fails in bringing a full, rich content to life. I don’t want to end up focusing on style at the expense of substance. 

Critical here is how I will tell of Hanah’s transformation — by way of a dramatic epiphany, perhaps, or through a gradual course of events? How will I be able to reflect her internal conversion, her change of heart, her enlightenment, from the perspective of another? It seems I have only two options: Either to have Hannah talk about it to someone, or to have someone read her, which would be very tricky.

As I’m writing this I’m getting the notion that my next step should be to start drafting a dialogue, in which Hannah shares of her transformation. To whom she’ll pour herself out, I still have to think over.

In the meantime, may I just say that I suck at freewriting? Almost half the time I couldn’t resist the urge to edit, even at least a little. 

I’msupposed to write 400 words and I’m almost there. Yup, I’m just trying to comply with the required word count at this point. And, I did it.

oil, please…

I’ve gone rusty. Tried a couple of quickie exercises to oil up… Posting my “works,” in raw, un-edited form.

1. Write for Ten

I haven’t written in months. Joined NaNoWriMo last November and a few writing groups, but got waylaid (is this an actual word?) but a number of then-more-important things.

Last night I was reminded of THE VISION: To write Christian literature that will lead people to Christ and strengthen their faith in the Lord.

I had begun writing a novel, my first attempt, and now I just have to get my groove back and push, push, push myself to write on. Do I want to commit to finishing it this year? <pondering, pandering…>

A few more things that I’ve set my mind on this year, all of them significant: our baby project, my MSW thesis, my Dgroup in church, my Bible reading, my two-books-a-month target (so far successful with a book each month), GLC 2…oh, dear me.

No room for idleness then. I have got to work my ass off. And pray like there’s no tomorrow.

2. One Word – “Loss”

Oh, the loss of time…my everyday tragedy as I always end up wasting, throwing away precious minutes doing things that are of no real consequence.

<Taking a bow>